Friday, June 6, 2014

At Home Preschool Week 1

I did my first post on at home preschool here and decided posting at the end of each week would be best.  Not only for the fact there's no way I have time to do a lengthy post every single day but also because after day 1 when Grant was doing his "homework" (as he calls it) and I got out the camera, I quickly got a "mommy no more pictures", haha.  So the camera had to be put away (frown).

In case you didn't read my first post I started with the letter C, and our first day was about Caterpillars.

Day 2 was Cookies.  We read, If You Give a Mouse a Cookie  and Grant helped me make Chocolate Chip cookies.

 I cut the letter C out of construction paper, don't judge my C I know it's a bit wonky lol.  I had Grant practice with glue and glue pom poms on it.  This was originally supposed to end up looking like a really cute caterpillar but it ended up just being a little art project.

He traced the letter C on a worksheet again and we played a matching game that he LOVED!  He has actually asked to play many times since I made it.  Making a matching game is super simple.  I picked a few things with words that began with the letter C and did a google search for images of them.  I used Car, Cat, Caterpillar, Can, Cookie, Cracker, Cow, Cupcake.  I copied and pasted them into a word document then printed them on white cardstock and cut them into squares.  I wrote the words under the pictures with a black marker.

Day 3 was Clifford.  We read Clifford Goes to School and watched the cartoon.  Once again he traced the letter C but this  time I went over lowercase and uppercase and he traced the lowercase letter.

I incorporated the number 2 and had him trace the number.  He begged to play the matching game again....quite a few time actually.  I made a letter search and had Grant find all the letter C's. 

I created this in Picmonkey and yes it took quite a bit of time, probably a good half hour.  There are probably easier ways to make one but why take the easy way out right?

Our last day we were supposed to read If You Give a Cat a Cupcake and make cupcakes but unfortunately we never got around to it. I started watching a school ager for the summer and it has been exhausting and kind of thrown a wrench in our preschool time.  Our mornings we are usually at the park and by the afternoon I'm completely and utterly pooped!

I am so proud of Grant, we were looking at something and he pointed out the letter C all on his own.  I felt like maybe I can actually teach him his letters and numbers and maybe he is going to retain them.  I was so excited, it gave me inspiration to continue on with our preschool learning.

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